Defibrillator at Furness RAM
Those who attended the latest meeting of Furness Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 375 at Ulverston Masonic Hall found it to be time very well spent even though there was little in the way of ritual involved.
There being no candidate on the evening lodge steward Harry Kilgour was called upon to deliver a talk entitled “Defibrillators and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.”
Special representative Stuart Brackstone, Harry Kilgour and Russ Greenhow
This being somewhat appropriate as the West Lancashire Province of Mark Master Masons has demonstrated its support of the provision of defibrillators in having financed the purchase of a good number of them.
For nearly 12 years Harry has been a Community First Responder in the beautiful South Lakeland village of Coniston. He has been called into action on numerous occasions with the location of the village meaning that the nearest ambulance or paramedic would be at least 20 minutes away.
The talk focused on the importance of taking action when someone has suffered a cardiac arrest. It covered a demonstration of the use of a defibrillator and the method of giving cardio pulmonary resuscitation.
The talk was extremely well received. Although full training in the use of a defibrillator and the giving of C.P.R. would take several hours of training, the words from Harry will mean that those who were present will, if called upon, approach such emergency situations with more confidence – when simply doing nothing is not an option.
Casting on eye over the work on the new extension are; Alan Jones and Russ Greenhow
Lodge Commander Russ Greenhow is also the chairman of Ulverston Masonic Hall. He has been busy overseeing the addition of an extension to the building. Much of the facilitating of this work has been undertaken by Furness RAM member Alan Jones.
The extension will provide a robing room for grand and provincial officers as well as storage space. This means that the room which currently serves as the office, storage area and robing room can be downsized. The space that is then freed up will be used to create improved toilet facilities which will include disability access. There is also the addition of a fire escape from the upstairs dining room. It should all be ready for the new masonic season.
Peter Hampson pointing out to Rowly Saunders
the man responsible for him having to fork out for more regalia!
On the evening lodge scribe Peter Hampson announced that Rowly Saunders had been offered, and accepted, an offer of appointment to the rank of Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank. This news was very well received.
Words and pictures by Dave Sear